Keys to Success
1. Open case with Department of Rehabilitation where EMS provides services (see service areas)
2. Ask your DOR Counselor to refer you to EMS for Employment Services.
3. Your DOR Counselor will send EMS a referral packet and an authorization for services which includes information that will help us to help you to get a job.
4. You will be contacted within 3 days of EMS receiving your referral packet and an Intake appointment will be scheduled with an EMS Job Developer.
5. During the Intake appointment (approximately 1 hour), you will be filling out paperwork to help the Job Developer better help you to go to work.
6. 2nd appointment is scheduled to create a professional tailor made resume, cover letter and master application that will match the jobs that you are applying for.
7. 3rd and following appointments will be for job club in a group or on an individual basis, job development meetings where your Job Log of places where you have applied will be reviewed by your EMS Job Developer and they will follow-up on the phone and in person with those employers to set up interviews and offer benefits to those who are interested in hiring you. EMS has skilled job coaches who are available to be your personal trainer on the job.
8. Although we offer no guarantees, if you are motivated to go to work, EMS will help you to land the job of your choice.